Monday 1 January 2018

White Supremacists -10 MagicMemes

1 White Supremacists
I’ve only ever been able to get one person to understand that. They wanted to be mostly left alone but constantly jamming it down their throats with a side-helping of “kill whitey” caused a kickback that they can’t handle. God, I can’t wait for 2020 and Trump’s second term. Of course, they’ll be insufferable twats in 2024.
2The Wrong Neighborhood
3A moment of clarity. Almost.
4Welcoming hordes of rapists and terrorists into your country isn't normal
5Friendly Reminder
6Fight The Power!
I know what u want to say: better to die on my feet than live on my knees. Problem is that theyre in the minority. If they dont assimilate (to the muslim ways) they will be kicked... 2nd problem is that they dont have any rolemodels anymore... 3rd one is that they would rather play candycrush at home than seeking confrontation Its over for them, they lost
7Well, that seems unnecessarily cruel
8White Weather. LOL
9Fetchez la vache!
10I'm Sure It's Just A Coincidence

Sunday 24 December 2017

10 perfect ways to respond to a text from your good for nothing ex

1The (literally) rubbish diss
You know that ex? The one you really hate. Well next time they text you, try one of these responses. We’ve all got one ex who we basically want to die. It’s not pretty, but it’s just the way life goes. But for some reason, your extreme hatred hasn’t put them off getting in touch. Why? Because they’re stupid (but that’s a whole other matter). And no matter what you say, they keep coming back. Like a bad smell. A really obnoxiously persistent bad smell. Well not any more, because we’ve found 18 perfect ways to shut them down.
2The casual change of subject
3Letting the facts speak for themselves
4Agreeing. That really throws them off
5Deferring to (our new favourite inanimate object) the magic conch
6The right-back-atcha
7Taking it to the bad bad place (sometimes it’s the only way) /
8The in ya face comeback
9The get the hint
10The corporate approach

10 perfect ways to respond to a text from your good for nothing ex

1The (literally) rubbish diss
You know that ex? The one you really hate. Well next time they text you, try one of these responses. We’ve all got one ex who we basically want to die. It’s not pretty, but it’s just the way life goes. But for some reason, your extreme hatred hasn’t put them off getting in touch. Why? Because they’re stupid (but that’s a whole other matter). And no matter what you say, they keep coming back. Like a bad smell. A really obnoxiously persistent bad smell. Well not any more, because we’ve found 18 perfect ways to shut them down.
2The casual change of subject
3Letting the facts speak for themselves
4Agreeing. That really throws them off
5Deferring to (our new favourite inanimate object) the magic conch
6The right-back-atcha
7Taking it to the bad bad place (sometimes it’s the only way) /
8The in ya face comeback
9The get the hint
10The corporate approach

10 Hilarious Star Wars Prequel Memes Part1

Now that we have new Star Wars movies like Rogue One and The Force Awakens, you'd think that the prequel films — The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith — would fade from the popular consciousness. But nostalgia, even for these flawed (but maybe kinda okay) movies, is a powerful thing. This month, the /r/PrequelMemes subreddit has been blowing up, as people turn the most memorable parts of the prequels into memes. It's all the jokes you could ever want about the tragedy of Darth Plageuis the Wise and Anakin hating sand. We've collected some of our favorites, but be sure to check out /r/PrequelMemes for more.

10+ Strangest And Most Unusual Snow Plows in the World

1 1919 Ford Model T “Snow Flyer” Coupe
Because snowfalls always existed and people had to find solutions even 100 years ago.
People who read this list may believe that the human limit is just our imagination … and as long as we find an effective solution and reach a substantial result, any snowplows are welcome (Ed.).
2Bicycle snowplow
If you can’t afford any gasoline, this is a perfect solution.
3Ice bicycle
A thrilling way to ice-skate on your favourite lake.
4Mini car bobcat
When you have an old car to throw away, think again, you might discover that you can reuse it during winter, unless you live in the desert.
5Old Man With Walker Snowplow
Well, it may happen that you are not young enough to drive a car or ride a bike, but this is the demonstration that hope never dies and when there’s a will there’s a way.
6Smart Car Plow
A “smart” way to plow snow in a fashion manner.
7Snow truck and observation platform
Sometimes snow can’t stop you doing your researches in the mountains.
8Sportster chopper snow machine
Sportster chopper snow machine
9Studded snow bike tires
Another unusual way to make a bike unstoppable during snowfalls.
10Woman shoe snowplow
What if you go out for a date and it starts to snow? Don’t come back home: now you can clean the road with your shoes.